Museveni deploys Brian White against Bobi Wine

July 22, 2018 - Kyadondo East Member of parliament Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu aka Bobi Wine is the target of a multi-pronged effort to contain him by President Museveni.

After failing to stop his sprint to parliament last July and the MP snubbing several attempts to co-opt him into his 'broad-based hat' Museveni has changed tactics and resorted to creating alternative centres of power with the youth constituency.

The Spear News has independently learnt from multiple sources that President Museveni has chosen to groom mysterious socialite Brian White as a a new pole of influence among Kampala youth.

To this end, Brian White has been the beneficiary of hundreds of millions of shillings from State House that he has been dishing out to city youth under his Brian White Foundation. He is also enjoys protection by armed police from the VIPP Unit.

A source who accompanied White to one of his meetings with Museveni, said he was left speechless to see the head of state stoop to such a level to contain Bobi Wine and decamped White's Podium soon after.

The source who has intimate knowledge of Mr. White's dealings gave us information about sources of his money that we cannot repeat here for legal reasons.

He also gave us details of he embattled socialites gun troubles that saw him shoot one of his neighbours one crazed night.

Apparently White has police escorts and a police bodyguard but he keeps his bodyguards gun over night. That is how he ended up shooting his neighbour to near death, a case he has been able to kill through an out of court settlement with the victim.

White who has no known sources of income has recently suffered a turn for fortunes that has seen him confined to his rented Munyoyo residence from which he risks eviction. Police this week towed a  high end Mercedes from his resident after he apparently failed to pay the vendor. He has also recently been forced to surrender another vehicle to police after it emerged on Interpol's stolen vehicles alert.

These events are likely to turn the socialite toxic for a number of people that he has tried to associate with. Last month, he tried to become a sponsor to the Bikka Football Kingdom, a tournament that is dear King Ronald Muwenda Mutebi who personally presides over the opening match.

After suffering embarrassment there, he tried to worm his way into Kyabazinga Gabula's circles during the Kagulu Hill challenge.

It is not known how much influence if any White has managed to chip off Bobi Wine but the honorable appears to under attack from many quarters. This week, a video of aging singer Bebe Cool emerged in which he described Bobi Wine's conduct as unbecoming of a member of parliament and concluded by referring to him as a cockroach.
