Ugandans mock Museveni over loss in Rukingiri

June 2, 2018 – Ugandans took to social media to taunt President Museveni, following the loss of the Rukungiri Woman MP seat to his opponents.

Cartoonists and satirists had a field day depicting Museveni as patient in intensive care. Others went modifed the contents of a letter Museveni wrote to his wife Janet who also doubles as education minister, ordering her to reinstate embattled Principal of Makerere Business School to his position; to suggest that he had ordered the Electoral Commission to install the ruling party candidate as the Woman MP for Rukungiri.

On June 1, the EC announced the FDC’s Betty Bamukwatsa Muzanira as the duly elected Woman MP for Rukungiri after she polled 50611 votes. Ms Winifred Masiko, whom Museveni had backed with a massive campaign team and donations worth Ushs 5billion to women groups in the area garned just over 46,000 votes.

Museveni's reaction to the loss was typical. He blamed indisciplined members of his party, 'hooligans' from Kampala and the police for the loss. He then said his candidates performance showed that the party had gained ground in the are and that he would continue to take handouts to Rukungiri.

Below we reproduce some of the images that were trending on social media:

[caption id="attachment_7408" align="alignnone" width="300"] This is how a cartoonist from a local daily depicted Museveni after results were announced[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_7409" align="alignnone" width="300"] Another satirist used photoshop to rope in the debate about importing medical doctors from Cuba[/caption]

