Citizens fight back against selfish MPs; Togikwatako fists roundup

Citizens fight back against selfish MPs; Togikwatako fists roundup

NRM MPs have resorted to boardroom meetings with own party supporters and coming up with concocted reports that their constituents have allowed them approve Museveni’s life presidency project which has further annoyed Ugandans as seen from latest reactions

MP Simeo Nsubuga last week become a shame of the century when he assembled renowned Kampala Bodaboda 2010 holigans dressed in yellow pausing as his Kasanda constituents and arguing him to support removal of age limit.

In Mukono, last Thursday NRM chairman Ssebagala, MP Kafeero Ssekitoleko, minister Kibuule and Nadduli were ashamed to the marrow when people they ferried from Mukono, Kayunga and Buikwe District to make a joint pronouncement in support of age limit removal instead blamed them of betrayal, selfishness and greed that doesn’t even consider their own children’s future.

After the disappointment, Nadduli and team abandoned the group at the meeting site (Sams gardens Kikooza) without even transport refund yet they promised the same

Group members told press they were mobilized with a promise to a share of the 29m given to MPs but were abandoned after expressing their free will.

Earlier Kibuule had assembled his campaign agents at his home in Kapeke with some area herbalists and witch doctors which he had termed a constituency consultation meeting.


Jinja District Woman Member of Parliament, Loy Katali, was roughed up by an angry mob on Saturday at the municipality with citizens sternly warning her not to dare touch the constitution.

Hon. Katali Loy MP who presided over the routine MP consultations was not given time to speak by voters who kept heckling and shouting “Togikwatako” till she gave up her speech.

Amid the hubbub and tense hisses, the MP was surrounded by an angry crowd. Police and her supporters tried to protect her and shove off attackers as they dragged her to the car where rowdy youth pulled her out into the middle of the sneering crowd.

NRM has miserably failed to justify age limit removal, Andrew Mwenda

police and crime preventer grabbed her off people bundled her into her vehicle which drove off fast as it was pelted with stones.

In Jinja East constituency voter attacked the home of their area MP Igeme Nabeta, burnt flammables outside his gate demanding he pronounces himself on the bill and asking whether he represents their or Museveni’s interests

In Jinja West, voters are collecting signatures to recall their MP Moses Balyeku who seconded the Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi bill that will make Museveni a life president.

In Budaka

Hon Pamela Kamugo Nasio servived lyching after she attempted to rig a vote during the presidential age limit consultative meeting, in favor of supporting age limit provoking voters to maul her

Drama started when Nasio who was welcomed in the district with pomp, cheers and ululations, paused the question whether they wanted the constitution amended or not and a few NRM leaders around yelled “Yeah,”.

The Age limit plot has failed, the people have spoken; Tamale Mirundi

The majority citizens who did not want the constitution amended waited in vain for the same question but Nasio did not even look in their direction but just concluded that the district had approved kugikwatako

“So, its over,” she announced

It was then that the the meeting raptured  with members asking why the MP had not asked their views and was bent on rigging the vote.

They broke into “Togikwatako song as they pointing warning fingers to her and moved to beat her. Nasio who had brought heavy security managed to elude the angry mob with help of police officers who grabbed her hand and pulled her away while the rest restrained the angry voters, fuming and baying for her blood.

Police hastily put her in the waiting car and drove off helter-skelter. The angry voters accused her of buying off a few people with money to claim the whole district supports age limit removal.


In Nakifuma

Residents stormed Kafeero Ssekitolekos office at Nakifuma town demanding explanations

Nakifuma residents match at Kafeeros office

as to who he represents and source of his age limit utterances.

The enraged constituents told reporters that they fed up of being shamefully viewed by Ugandans as source of their sufferings having voted a selfish MP.

They accused Kafeero of assembling less than 100 of his campaign agents in a subcounty with whom he hoodwinks the country that Nakifuma has supported age limit removal. They say Kafeero can’t attend any function or hold any open air meeting in the constituency for fear of people’s rage. Nagalama police disbanded the fracas

In Katakwi

Usuk County MP Peter Ogwang was chased with stones and hoes by angry citizens for supporting the lifting of the presidential age limit.

In a age limit consultative meeting organised in Ojuwai village, Usuk Sub-county, MP Ogwanga, flanked by Woman MP Violet Akurut, got a mop from people when they began praising Museveni as the only leader who can steer the country to prosperity.

One youth shot up, asking Mr Ogwang to first explain his own development agenda instead of promoting that of the President.

“Ogwang, we sent you to Parliament to discuss the problems affecting us. When you were campaigning here, I don’t recall any of us telling you that the age limit should be removed,” the visibly angry youth told the MP.

As the legislator fumbled with an explanation, the youth, who carried placards reading ‘Peter Ogwang stop the betrayal,’ heckled him as Others picked stones and hand hoes from a nearby community hall and attempted to haul them towards the legislator.

Even the bodyguards recently given to the MP could not scare the angry residents, forcing him and his colleagues to flee the venue.

The youth followed the group out of the meeting hall as they fled.

Mr William Omeke, the Ongongoja Sub-county chairman, who attended the meeting, said they will not be bribed to accept to change the constitution.

“The roads are poor, they only worked on this one because Ogwang was coming to consult with us, we need social services to be improved and that is the reason he was sent there, not to be a mouth piece for abrogating the constitution,” he reiterated.

Mr Omeke added that they will not relent on their cause to protect the constitution, adding that even if they use all state machinery to remove the age limit, they will resort to civil disobedience to push forward their anger.

In Rubanda

Prosy Akampurira Begumisa, the Rubanda District Woman Member of Parliament was shouted down by her constituents; and blocked for minutes from addressing them at a funeral.

Akampurira faced the anger of the locals, when she stood up to speak at the burial of an elderly resident in Rwamunyora cell, Muko Sub County.

As soon as Akampurira begun speaking, to the mourners started shouting loudly and chanting the slogan Togikwatako — a trendy warning “not to touch” Article 102 of the Constitution.

Some locals were heard saying that the decision to amend the constitution should be left them and not members of parliament.

It took the intervention of some leaders to cool down the mourners, and the MP was called back to address them.

In her speech, Hon Akampurira denied openly supporting the embedment, saying that all along she was waiting to hear what her people have to say on the matter.

“Now that you have expressed your concerns, I am assuring you that I will take them to parliament,” she said.

Eng. Denis Sabiti the Rubanda County West MP (NRM) recently came out to oppose the removal of the Presidential Age Limit while the other MP Henry Ariganyira Musasizi (Rubanda East) has not yet committed himself to either side.


