Why NRM fears consulting all Ugandans on age limit ~Video

Why NRM fears consulting all Ugandans on age limit ~Video

  • Doesn’t the NRMs order to consult local leaders contradict rule of law and the speakers order to consult masses on age limit  

Ruth Nankabirwa said Friday that “NRM MPs will only consult at district levels, consulting only leaders.

This comes off an assumption that most local council leaders are NRM cadres, money minded and easy to bribe as compared to an entire population.

However, at the time this was mentioned, 11 NRM MPs had faced serious wrath with their constituents who massively resisted Kugikwatako.

As part of Museveni’s divide and rule policy with which he has ruled Ugandans against their will and providing an escape route, to his selfish opportunistic MPs who push what is clearly against peoples will, Nankabirwa and NRM decided to pull their MPs from people and use local leaders as cover-up

The above videos shows voters reaction to MPs on age limit
