Raila renames NASA 'NRM', calls for elections boycott

Raila renames NASA 'NRM', calls for elections boycott

Summary NASA Declaration:

  • 1: From today, we are transforming NASA coalition into a resistance movement.

  • 2: We embark on campaign to defend our democracy. 

  • 3: Boycott goods and services offered by businesses benefiting from the oppressive regime. 

  • 4: Convene people assembly to chat way forward.

  • 5: Mobilise movements to ensure that a free fair and credible election is organised within 90 days.

Raila Odinga has today transformed NASA into a resistance movement.

While addressing supporters at Uhuru Park Nairobi this evening, Mr Odinga said the National Super Alliance (Nasa) had transformed from a political coalition to “a resistance movement”.

“We will not respect a government that was not elected according to the Constitution,”

“We will not respect Uhuru, Ruto, regional commissioners, county commissioners and all that trash…”

The opposition leader, who has since pulled out of the repeat election, asked Nasa supporters to hold prayers away from polling stations or stay at home on Thursday as Kenya holds what he termed as a “sham repeat presidential election”.
