Kaweesi murder; Court orders gov't to pay 80m to each suspect for torture

Kaweesi murder; Court orders gov't to pay 80m to each suspect for torture

Justice Margaret Oumo Oguli a High Court judge has ordered government to compensate  with Shs. 80 millions for each of the 22 each of the 22 people accused of murdering AIGP Andrew Ferix Kaweesi, after proving that they were tortured while in Police custody

“These people were mere suspects and presumed innocent. There was no need for torturing them.” she said in the ruling adding that they were arrested when they were well but now have various physical challenges

She further warned government that a 20% interest rate would accrue from the day of her ruling to the date of payment.

Former  AIGP the late Andrew Felix Kaweesi was shot dead together with his bodyguard and driver in March as he left his home in Kulambiro.

Kaweesi murder suspects showing press how they were tortured
Kaweesi murder suspects showing press how they were tortured

The 22 suspects  sued government for torture and inhumane treatment by police and the UPDF during their arrest in February through their lawyers led by Ladislaus Rwakafuuzi

In their evidence, the suspects proved court they underwent various forms of torture including systematic beating, electric shocks and submersion into water plus having objects inserted anus on top of being blindfolded while in detention at the regime torture centre in Nalufenya.

In her ruling, the judge condemned these inhumane acts which she referred to as intolerable in human society

She attacked blasted police and the military for “abrogating” their cardinal role of protecting the suspects and turned into their tormentors by torturing and inflicting wounds on them so as to force them admit the crime.

Oguli further blasted prisons authorities for stopping the African Center for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture (ACTV) that had been assigned to examine and present reports to court on the condition of three of the 22 suspects while in Luzira.

“It was a contempt of court orders and indicated they had something to hide,” she said.


On the request to have them released, the judge said she couldn’t allow this because they still have to answer for the murder charges labelled against them.
