A brilliant genocide, a documentary that directly pins M7 to war in Northern Uganda ~Video

A brilliant genocide, a documentary that directly pins M7 to war in Northern Uganda ~Video

The documentary suggests that Museveni and his army provoked and prolonged the war that transformed Kony from a former Catholic altar boy into a diabolical warlord.

The conspiracy of silence about Museveni is likely explained by the fact that he is probably America’s closest African military ally, and receives lavish development and military aid from western donors.

Butler’s courageous, intelligent movie not only breaks the cruel silence surrounding the war in northern Uganda; it also raises urgent questions about the part that successive US presidents—Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., and unfortunately even Barack Obama—played in enabling and empowering Museveni who continues “to abuse the rights of Ugandans today” in the age of Donald Trump.

