Why Museveni's regime should build more prisons than schools and hospitals

Why Museveni's regime should build more prisons than schools and hospitals


Kasibante Moses, MP Rubaga North and Wakayima Musoke have been arrested by police accused of meeting their electorates.

Their arrest is a niche as compared to over 25 Ugandans arrested everyday since last week when the NRMO insisted on inserting Museveni’s life presidency to Ugandans against their will.

The brutal army police and all security agencies are out to arrest everyone opposed to the move.

This comes at a cost of deterioration of all other sectors in the country.

Bidi Halid, the SpearNews guest writer advises the president to build more prisons than schools and this is why.

Gen. Museveni preoccupied with his own concerns especially his family richness and security plus his family regime survival.

By Bidi Halid

A few months before the last general elections Uganda, I shared a post on social media that: “if I was one of the many Museveni’s presidential advisers, and he happens to grab the next term in office, I would advise him to build as many prisons as possible.”

The fact was; I had read the mood of so many Ugandans. I had also moved around Uganda, from border to border, and also visited several prisons and detention centers. The situation was shocking and  horrific to say the least.

I had earlier engaged human rights organisations, both local and International, like Amnesty and Human rights watch. I did this on behalf of a number of  Ugandans, who had been relinquishing in prisons for over 6 years without seeing a day in court, let alone the traditional monthly mention.

I got this thought, because I had seen Gen. Museveni preoccupied with his own concerns especially his family richness and security plus his family regime survival.

Today, barely a year in office, Museveni has imprisoned more politician, far more than all other previous regimes combined.That’s including those political prisoners ever  detained during the colonial government.

Without talking about the mass arrest and imprisonment of the people from Rwenzori region in Kasese plus their traditional leader; King Wesley Mumbere. The man has jailed anyone and anything he has reason to dream that’s threatening his ” what other people call stolen presidency”.

Sadly, with his long term hatred for the traditionally well off Ugandan families, coming from being born from the very poor of the poorest and miserable family. The man is fermenting another group of potential prisoners, with his determination to grab people’s land.

The situation has not been helped by the recent appointment of the moral police ( Fr. Simon Lokodo’s committee) intended at arresting those sharing sexual text messages. With their machine purchased at Shs 2bn to the job, in a country failing to buy a medical cancer maschine.

By the end of this current term, I foresee Gen. Museveni, imprisoning many Ugandans in gazetted and non gazetted places. Unfortunately, the majority of these will be politically related prisoners.

This is why today; it’s easier for criminals, to freely roam around the Uganda, than any “real” opposition politician. And the spet of murderers roaming freely in the country are going to increase day by day.

In the next piece, I will share with you, the reasons why you should stop expecting security of your life and property from Gen. Museveni’s government. To a reasonable extent the man is himself a hostage.
Therefore, General Museveni, should build more prisons than schools and hospitals.

The writer Bidi Halid is a human right campaigner
