Uganda's independence was lost in 1986, under a fundamental siege

Uganda's independence was lost in 1986, under a fundamental siege

The current leaders got power by ”false pretense” as liberators when actually they were an occupational force worse than apartheid and any imperialist

By Oweyegha Afunaduula

1986 -The year Ugandans lost their independence and self-determination to a militant group of people that masqueraded as liberators.

Not very long ago, they wanted to change the National Anthem and National Flag, but debate on this stopped suddenly. Perhaps the timing was wrong.

However, they managed to raise Banyarwanda to one of the indigenous groups of Uganda and insert them in the Uganda Constitution 1995, which they made and ensured turned out the way they wanted: Presidentialism-sensitive to ensure their interests are not only preserved but enhanced.

They also managed to assert dual citizenship in the the Constitution they made, which allows them to enjoy reversible citizenship.

They have turned the instruments of power -army and police -into ethnically-oriented institutions. Virtually all top positions in these institutions are occupied by people from the currently dominant -Eric Kashambuzi would say exogenous -ethnic group.

Ethinicism has also penetrated the civil service. Attractively they talked of eradicating tribalism [which never existed] -but ended up enhancing ethnicity.

Their current interest, many people believe – is land and power. So if you thought President Museveni lied when he said, on the day he swore in as President, that “This is Not a Mere Change of Guards, but a Fundamental Change”, you need to re-evaluate him and his performance. He has been true to his word.

By the time he leaves power, Uganda will be fundamentally different from the Uganda we were building until he seized power.

Unless Ugandans reverse the trend, it will be almost 100% in the hands of immigrants who arrived in Uganda from 1926 and in the 1950s and their descendants.

I have made predictions before and they have come to pass in my life time. This particular one will come to pass when I have left my physical form for the spiritual form.

Only Ugandans can prevent this prediction coming out true if they wake up and defeat docility and fear.

For God and My Country.
