Sober Up - Head of Kenya’s Central Organization of Trade Unions tells Uhuru

Sober Up - Head of Kenya’s Central Organization of Trade Unions tells Uhuru

The embattled President of Kenya Uhuru Kinyatta appears to many has a person who takes more than enough alcohol. Among the Presidents in the Eastern African region, he is the only one ever seen smoking and drinking beer publicly.

Now following his ugly public statements about the country’s judicially which annulled the Presidential results last week, the chairperson of the Countryside’s powerful Trade Union has came out to advise him against “too much consumption of alcohol”

The head of Kenya’s Central Organization of Trade Unions, the umbrella body for the country’s trade unions, Francis Atwoli, to stop drinking alcohol otherwise, this will cost the president and country at large dearly.

“I am appealing to the president to be (a) little bit sober. Even the way he is addressing the public he appears not sober,” Atwoli said. “You still have a large following in Kenya, sober up!” Atwoli said during press conference on Sunday.
