Practical ways to defend our constitution and salvage that country

Practical ways to defend our constitution and salvage that country

Amidst total abuse of the constitution and betrayal by selfish leaders, here are practical actions points for all Ugandans that will help rebuild democracy in our country and salvage the state from a few selfish individuals—we go Burkina Faso

If we all look around our leaders, we can identify this chain of empty shameless leaders whose stomachs replaced their brains

By: Bireete Sarah

Uganda – a Country where leaders can’t think beyond their stomachs while determining important political questions for posterity. It’s no wonder that Uganda as a nation has never witnessed peaceful handover of power since her independence 55 years ago! Like the preamble of our Constitution states and I will reproduce all of it here for avoidance of doubt!

“The Preamble.

We The People of Uganda:

Recalling our history which has been characterised by political and constitutional instability;

Recognising our struggles against the forces of tyranny, oppression and exploitation;

Committed to building a better future by establishing a socio-economic and political order through a popular and durable national Constitution based on the principles of unity, peace, equality, democracy, freedom, social justice and progress;

Exercising our sovereign and inalienable right to determine the form of governance for our country, and having fully participated in the Constitution-making process;

Noting that a Constituent Assembly was established to represent us and to debate the Draft Constitution prepared by the Uganda Constitutional Commission and to adopt and enact a Constitution for Uganda:

Do hereby, in and through this Constituent Assembly solemnly adopt, enact and give to ourselves and our posterity, this Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, this 22nd day of September, in the year 1995.

For God and my country.”

After the removal of term limits in our beloved constitution in 2005, Mkapa sycophants in Tanzania started talk of lifting term limits for him and Mpaka, being a true democratic (and not part of the fake revolutionaries in Africa) went to a public rally and declared his sycophants true enemies of Tanzania!

Fast Forward:

Yesterday, the unfortunate BUT inevitable sad event of our nation happened curtsy of the NRM Caucus (commonly known as NRM carcass) where roadmap for the complete assault on our Constitution was formalized!

It’s the dictate of history to bring to the fore the kind of leaders who seize the moment! And this leader was Hon Monica Amoding – May God Bless Her! For the age limit campaign campaign, my district Bushenyi has sunk deep down in demonstrating empty leadership – next to Arua; thanks to the likes of Raphael Magezi, Mary Karooro!

If we all look around our leaders, district by district, we shall identify this chain of empty shameless leaders


ACTIONS : 1- Call your MP and tell him or her not to deny Uganda this chance of peaceful transition out of their selfishness and emptiness;

2- Form social media groups and remind your MPs on a hourly basis that we as a people, shall not watch on as they sell the future of this country for a few coins of silver (each NRM MP has been promised UGX 800M/);

3- Visit the homes of these MPs and put them on clear notice that this is struggle for constitutionalism and posterity that is not a subject of sale and their usual transnational politics;

4- Attend Parliament whenever Age Limit is to be debated and remind your MP that you are watching their actions!
