Hussein Kyanjo on the current moves by Dr. Museveni to solve the Land equation.

Hussein Kyanjo on the current moves by Dr. Museveni to solve the Land equation.

It is now official that Dr.Museveni is embarking on a national radio campaign to explain his position on land matters i hope and pray that he gives his honest opinion. This is the third approach on the same subject in recent times.

He started with the obvious formality of going through cabinet to send an amendment bill to Parliament which move hit a dead end only to be prematurely withdrawn.

The second approach was the Bamugemereire commission which is gathering views from the public while sunctioning drastic actions along the way. After all its findings slightly before giving recomendations the commission will as is now known practice visit the great leader for his input. He will get hold of the entire report; get his legal and business experts to find areas where he will twist Ugandans to get hold of their land a thing he has wanted in vain since the bush war times.

It is alleged that during the war in Luwero

Dr Museveni travelled extensively and he saw miles of bush land whose owners he couldnt figure out exactly. The story goes on to say that he promised him self to fix the question of land once he got his way. Now there is no doubt he arrived and it is about time to deal with the problem.


During the course of time new discoveries have been made on land in Bugerere, Busoga, Bunyoro and northern Uganda in general and it all adds up to the same un answered question hence the multi faceted approach.

The third attempt as i said is the radio arrengement. The President will be received by hired crowds as he visits different radio stations and after his presentation again pre organised callers will weigh in to emphasise or just support the big man’s position. After he is done with the mock excersise official recordings will be made and combined with the Bamugemereire final report a new bill will be proposed and sent to Parliament and the expected result will be got using the numbers in the house.

Mean while there is a hanging dilema of big chanks of land owned by different people from the fevored class Dr Museveni himself is one of them his puported farmland at Kisozi was once a property of the Ministry of Defence. He has never explained himself on how the same farmland ended up in his private hands.


There are several strong men in the current Rwandan establishment who own square miles of land in Uganda and the explanation to this is not yet available.


Then there are investors who want to make development projects in Uganda but they want sizable land. Aparently some registered owners are in government or somehow connected to it. I once came across such investors in Turkey three years ago who were complaining of having delt with one big man in government who promised them land for an industrial park in Luwero. On intorogating them deeper they admitted that they had paid big sums to the person but the Promised Land was un available to them.


There is another group of new players in this question of land and these are Balalo who have invaded Bunyoro with large hards of cattle. They occupy settle and graze their animals and when the owners make attempts to remove them they are confronted by armed personnel.


Recently there was a PR excersise where

Dr Museveni handed over a heap of land titles to the Katikkiro of Buganda but ever since those returned titles have never been transfered instead what we had was that the land on which state house sits does not belong to the Kingdom.

You have all seen reports of Gen. Akandwanaho giving back land to government in return for a fat pay. And here the fat pay is not important but how he obtained that land in the first place is the explanation everyone would like to hear.

The above complicated scenario needs a scintific answer and the President in his characteristic style is trying all ways to reach to what he thinks will be the final position in regularising the questionable owners using the law.

My story is aimed at two groups one the general public to know the hiden intentions of the President so you dont get taken by suprise. Group two is that of Dr Museveni and his sellected beneficiaries. Dont waste your valuable time and resourses to manually fix land by twisting laws because this will not last and after a short while the true status will prevail and your efforts will have ended in vain.


The efforts we make to warn Ugandans and in this case none Ugandans are deliberate so that no one comes up in future to say WE DIDNT KNOW!!
