Does Uganda really matter to Museveni anyway?

Does Uganda really matter to Museveni anyway?

31 years on in power Museveni seems to have failed to recover from his background inferiority complex and feels he must enforce superiority by pulling down indigenous communities

There has been a lot of debate recently on Museveni’s real nationality, Its genuinely stemming from his poor delivery as a president and failure to recover from ethnic backgrounds inferiority complex by our leaders.

In many countries (national laws) the place of birth does not define someone’s nationality. The nationality of the parents is decisive. Sometimes one is interested in a person’s legal nationality, at other times in one’s ethnic background. Both/either can be expected to exert influences on one’s nature, character and behavior, especially while in power.

I believe a lot of people discuss Museveni’s background because he has not lived to their expectations. Otherwise, a lot of great leaders had ‘fake’ nationalities but ended up making their countries better.

A number of celebrated nationalist politicians were actually from minorities

For example, Stalin was not Russian but Georgian, and his nickname — Koba — was a Georgian resistance fighter against Russian rule.

That background didn’t stop Stalin from furthering Russian nationalism instead of communist internationalism in the USSR and the Eastern Block.

Hitler wasn’t really from a minority as such but he was from the smaller of two German speaking nations but put himself in charge of all of them and out of nationalism led German into international repute.

Napoleon was Corsican, not French and his island had just been bought by France a year after his birth.

Napoleon is a mixed bag though he was a man of great civil accomplishment and had many ideas that run into modern era and progressive to date.

His biographers probably still debate how much his military campaigns were to defend France from the European monarchies, and how much they were for his personal ambition.

Zambia’s Keneth Kaunda after successful reigns in Zambia was later declared none Zambian, but he successfully bound Zambians and built the countries nationalism and social political and economic prosperity

All three those leaders preached nationalism in their host countries. The three were conquerors and tyrants, but they cannot be pigeonholed as selfish seekers but true nationalists.

While in power, all those leaders put aside their minority backgrounds, ethnicity inferiority complex and forwarded respective countries nationalism. Because they dumped their backgrounds inferiority complex most of those leaders were doubted after living power

First forward to Museveni .

This is something Uganda’s Museveni totally lacks [shaking off background inferiority complex] which has led to a series of questions about his real nationality.

31 years on in power Museveni seems to have failed to recover from his background inferiority complex and feels he must enforce superiority by pulling down indigenous communities by forcefully alienating them of social political economic academic and cultural prowess.

It’s this ethnic fight for superiority in a state and power greed that has indisputably scrapped him off the category of great nationalists like Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela or Julius Nyerere and put his off list of the Napoleon, Stalin, KK or Hittler .

He has skipped the dictatorial levels of Hitler, Napoleon or Stalin because the former were nationalists whose exploits were for citizens of their respective countries not a struggle to up their prior inferior communities.

Museveni’s 31years of pulling his ethnic Banyarwanda from inferiority—to—prosperity has clearly made Ugandans home and abroad bitter with dominance of all social, political and economic sectors by his hitherto inferior refuges using state funds

While those abroad are bitter that they are made to pay $450 for dual citizenship, yet nobody made Banyarwanda pay anything when they were scrupulously inserted into Uganda’s constitution in 1995.

It’s because of this that currently the debate on Museveni’s nationality is taking shape from caring Ugandan’s. His reign is compared to apartheid as it has already proved worse than colonialism [imperialists acted with some respect and cared about the future of indigenous citizens they ruled. Rwandan 1994 in the making?

First published by Kibirige Ssemuwemba at UAH forum
