Another NRM MP tells off M7, calls those supporting age limit removal 'Short term opportunists'

Another NRM MP tells off M7, calls those supporting age limit removal 'Short term opportunists'

I hope God will touch the heart of Mr. Museveni to avoid the temptation of listening to short term opportunistic individuals that are pushing for the removal of Age limit in our Constitution.”

Alex Ruhunda, the Fort portal Municipality Member of Parliament
Alex Ruhunda, the Fort portal Municipality Member of Parliament

Alex Ruhunda, the Fort portal Municipality Member of Parliament has become the latest legislator from the ruling National Resistance Movement-NRM party to speak against the proposed scrapping of the presidential age limit from the constitution.

Ruhunda expressed his sentiments on the proposal in a message on his facebook page, in which he reveals his submissions to the recent NRM party caucus.

“I have been reflecting on the future of my beloved country Uganda the Pearl of Africa especially after an emotionally heated atmosphere in Parliament on Thursday.

I hope God will touch the heart of Mr. Museveni to avoid the temptation of listening to short term opportunistic individuals that are pushing for the removal of Age limit in our Constitution.” Said Ruhunda.

According to Ruhunda, it is time for the NRM to plan Museveni’ succession if his legacy is to remain like that of Tanzania’s founding president, the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.

“These were my words in the NRM caucus and I pray that we stop the overzealous of making a fundamental mistake that will create a huge political and security problem for our Country yet we were set to move out of poverty,” he says.

According to Ruhunda, his voters in Fort portal made it clear to him not to tamper with the constitution by amending Article 102 (b) and that he is to respect the people’s will. Ruhunda confirmed his statement in a telephone interview with The SpearNews.

Asked why he is coming out now, Ruhunda said he didn’t have to wait until the matter is brought to parliament.

Ruhunda now joins a section of other NRM MPs who have vowed to defy the party caucus to support a motion by the Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi seeking to scrap Article 102 (b) of the constitution, which caps the presidential age at 75 years.

The move is aimed at paving way for Mr Museveni to seek re-election when his term of office expires in 2021.

Museveni, who was born in 1944, wouldn’t be eligible to contest for the presidency in 2021, since he will be above 75 years of age.

Some of the NRM MPs who have spoken strongly against the proposed amendment include Kumi Woman MP, Monica Amoding, Lwemiyaga County MP Theodore Sekikubo, Kassanda County MP, Patrick Nsamba Oshabe, Kasambya County MP, Gaffa Mbwatekamwa and Manjiya County MP John Baptist Nambeshe and others.

The MPs have since launched a new campaign to create a transition from Museveni to another President. They also seek to reinstate term limits on the Presidency.

The MPs are now working jointly on two separate Private Member’s bills they intend to present to parliament for debate.
