Age limit; An opportunity to sort leaders from opportunists

Age limit; An opportunity to sort leaders from opportunists

By Sarah Bireete

Uganda – a Country where the unfortunate AGE LIMIT CAMPAIGN is the best succession debate M7 could have offered this country because it will SORT OUT LEADERS FROM JOKERS.

From time memorial, including biblical historic times, great leaders rise out of providing solutions to catastrophic situations.

World over, great leaders for each generation were created by miserable and unfortunate circumstances.

Martin Luther King said

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”

Fast Forward: our moment of CHALLENGE AND CONTROVERSY has already arrived! Gauge where your leaders stand and APPROVE THEM AS LEADERS THAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS TO MOVE FORWARD OR WRITE THEM OFF AS JOKERS.

Dear MPs where do you stand?

Bireete Sarah
