Stella Nyanzi pour scorn on Uganda's Opposition Parties

Stella Nyanzi pour scorn on Uganda's Opposition Parties

I swear to God, there is nothing as sexy as a man in the opposition in today’s Uganda. Even after all the varied disappointments and the intense frustrations of endlessly hoping, hoping, hoping… for the ousting of the dirty old leopard, these opposition die-hards keep up the faith in the opposition. I find this – stamina against all odds – to be very appealing!

They still publicly declare that they belong to this or that political party. They still wear their blue, or green and white, or red, blue and black party clothes and walk out onto the streets. They still wave their party symbols to comrades out there. They even sing or chant their party slogans. Ayii Yesu! This wanton shamelessness turns me on: I mean – the refusal to abandon one’s impotent political party comes from a deep place of refusing to be ashamed of the powerlessness of these parties!

Although I am deeply attracted by the commitment of opposition die-hards, my cynicism still jabs at the increasing impotence of all opposition political parties in Uganda. As Nalongo Owenene, I liken belief in our fragmented opposition parties to oust dictator Museveni to using a teaspoon to stir up Roiko Muchuzi Mix into the boiling sauce in a huge sufuriya sauce-pan.
