Mr. Museveni; Stop the ethnic genocide you're breeding for our country

Mr. Museveni; Stop the ethnic genocide you're breeding for our country

  • Roots of ethnic conflict and Museveni’s intentional poverty

Dear Mr. President

The roots of ethnic differentiation are potentially, of ethnic conflict. These conflicts can be economic, religious, linguistic, cultural, or racial.

Why do ethnic differences often lead to conflict and violence? The causes include a sense of injustice because of resource distribution, economic and /or political competition, and reaction to discrimination, prejudice, and other expressions of threatened or devalued identity (Ryan 1990, p XXVII).

Today most of my references will dwell so much on Buganda as my case study because am Ignorant about other stake holders of Uganda like Acholi extra, but am not ignorant about what is happening inside my kingdom. This is because; Buganda kingdom is the only kingdom on earth which has kept a non written constitution for over 600 years. That’s why scholars who study human beings like me we usually logically say “Values are more much important than laws in creation of harmony in the society” Discrimination .

This refers to policies and practices that harm a group and its members. Discrimination may be de facto (practiced, but not legally sanctioned).Example of this is the harsher treatment that the baganda tend to get from the public service commission entitled for government human resource recruitment, police and the judicial systems.

When Hon. Kyanjo requested the Army to regional balance the top UPDF officers because of the 95% dominance of army officers from your region, you just poisoned him. You constitute an investigation committee on the lord mayor where by, the minister who has ordered the investigation to take place is Tumwebaze, the Judge himself is from the same region, and all the lawyers are from your region where you come from. Remember, ‘’that is the only valued position for this group from the whole political governance”.

Besides that, you are promoting discrimination to disintegrate Buganda by overpowering a few counties to treat themselves as an independent sect from Buganda Kingdom. Recently you called Kamuswaga of Kooki and even issued over 7 billion Ug shillings arguing that it’s for their regional development program. However, you should know that

More than 100 years ago, Kooki signed an agreement a special relationship that dates as far back as 1704 existed between Kooki and Buganda. During that year (1704), two princes from Bunyoro conquered part of Kiziba chiefdom. The elder prince Bwohe sent his young brother to inform the Omukama of Bunyoro about the achievement, but the messenger was killed by an incensed Omukama. Bwohe, who had now established his influence over the area, changed allegiance from Bunyoro to Buganda for protection without any forced assimilation.

Mr. President you are now behaving like the colonialists who came with an agenda of dividing the communities and creating hatred. Your ultimate goal is to weaken [Buganda] kingdom,

You should also know that now 28 years in power, (Buganda kingdom inclusive of Kooki county) have been on your neck to pay the over 20 billion ugs which is an accumulation of office rent by your government in Buganda’s buildings but you have kept a deaf ear…….we are just cached by surprises when your donations target specific sects and persons (inside Buganda) instead of Buganda as an Institution.

Mr. President, in our discipline we say, Institutional discrimination means programs, policies, and institutional arrangements that deny equal rights and opportunities to, or differentially harm members of a particular group. This form of discrimination is less personal and intentional than attitudinal discrimination is. Eg new land laws targeted to harm Buganda, you destroyed our cash crops and food crops i.e. Matooke and Coffee by introducing pests and diseases, also we will remember you always from blocking our king to visit his people of Kayunga Kyagwe County. You said Sabanyala the cultural leader of ABanyala had warned you that, our king shouldn’t visit his territory because had no permission. Here you denied our king the equal rights vested in the constitution .However, we are always cached by surprises to see that even sabanyala doesn’t request permission, when it comes to his travels to the “little land of Buganda you have demarcated for us.”

Forced assimilation. Mr. President, I would like a gain to inform you that there is a great difference between forced assimilation and assimilation. Buganda kingdom all along has been using the assimilation policy. Forced assimilation aims at destroying the cultures of a certain group forcefully. Some dictators have penalized or banned the language and customs of an ethnic group which has created political unrest .

An example is you who want to ban the Luganda language in schools and replace it with Swahili. The second example is the anti-Basque campaign that the dictator Francisco (1939-1975) waged in Spain. He banned Basque language books, news papers, and imposed fines for using Basque language in schools. His policies led to the formation of a terrorist group in the Basque region. I bet Mr. President if you maintain the speed of your yellow bus to kill Buganda, more terrorist groups will be formed.

Genocide: The most extreme form of anti-ethnic (attitudinal) discrimination is genocide, the deliberate elimination of a group through mass murder. The United Nations defines genocide “as acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group as such” .(Ryan 1990,says prejudicial attitudes(hate)and resulting genocide have been directed against people viewed as “Standing in the way of progress”.

Mr. President, we wouldn’t like to witness a generation of genocide. You have been always standing in our way of progress. All the above roots of ethnic conflict especially on us may result into a genocide but fueled by you Mr. President .I know your top officers didn’t tell you about what happened on ground during the Kayunga Saga in 2009.What happened is that many people from your region were beaten by angry youth who had made road blocks, many people from your region residing from Buganda closed shops, restuarnts and other businesses in fear of what had happened to their colleagues. All these unrest were fueled by you Mr. President because you have an experience and an upper hand of the Rwanda genocide.

Conclusively therefore, this is my final trumpet to you, to save the innocent Ugandans who have lived in peace and Harmony for a number of decades irrespective of their ethnic differences.


By Lubega N (Economic Anthropology Analyst)
