MPs to M7: Don’t shift blame, Authorities are your creation

MPs to M7: Don’t shift blame, Authorities are your creation

By Spear Team

Just days after president Museveni wrote to the ministry of finance ordering a review, downsizing and emerging  of government Authorities and Agencies to deal with wastage of meager resources, members of parliament are criticizing him for shifting blame to the line ministries yet he is responsible for their creation.

Semujju Nganda, MP for Kira municipality has told Spear News that this is a vote of no confidence in government because ministry departments were turned into authorities and every law that has been brought to parliament has created an agency yet these are meant to do the same jobs.

He added these were turned into authorities because people want to get money and authority since with commissions you don’t go through a lot of processes.

“Museveni behaves as if he has not been in this country, Where has been Museveni when these bodies have been created, these authorities have been created by laws of parliament, the problem is not the ministry of finance but him and his government.

Every time they bring a new law, a seed or plant an authority is created, all these need to be closed.” Semujju advised.

Busiro East MP, Medard Ssegona believes that there is nothing new since it is Museveni who created these authorities, to offer jobs to his political acquaintances but as opposition they have always warned that they will not yield the desired output.

“I have just established from PAC that there is an authority called warehousing authority, it has no vote, it has no account in any bank, they have a board and they sit and cue away any money available.

I am not surprised because he is trying to find a reason to explain his 31 year rule failure and to him these authorities are a potent tool to direct his failures to.” Ssegona explained.

The same view is shared by Hon. Angeline Osege who blames president Museveni for taking long to act because they as opposition had warned him earlier about the unnecessary duplication of government agencies under his watch.

“It’s a good admission that things have got out of hand, there a lot unnecessary duplication that the government has been doing, it’s better to rethink this because we are now killing the main institutions by creating authorities that deplete resources.

Daniel Muheirwe, Mp for Buhanguzo supported the president’s move arguing that ministers have been running away from their responsibilities by creating authorities that do the same work.

“Creating authorities had become a retirement package for some people in ministries, people are planning to start up authorities on mental health, Land so that they are placed on the boards of these authorities” Muheirwe noted.






