Kanyamunyu denied bail, again

Kanyamunyu denied bail, again

The prime suspect in the Kenneth Akena shooting, Mathew Kanyamunyu’s third attempt to apply for bail, has for the third time, ended in the negative.

Kanyamunyu who is accused of shooting and killing a children’s rights activist, Kenneth Akena last year after he allegedly scratched his car, has yet again been denied bail by court.

Although his co-accused also girlfriend Cynthia Munangwari and brother Joseph Kanyamunyu were granted bail earlier in March this year, Mathew has not been successful with all his applications.

The issue of Kanyamunyu’s bail became controversial when wife of Uganda’s opposition leader Dr. Kizza Besigye,Winnie Byanyima who happens to be his aunt sought to stand surety for him. Winnie was attacked by MPs Odongo Otto and Beatrice Anywar what what they termed as a betrayal to the Acholi’s who have been Besigye’s supporters for long. The slain Akena was a Mucholi.
