FDC Elections: defiant or complaint to Museveni's rule

FDC Elections: defiant or complaint to Museveni's rule

The most important argument in the ongoing FDC elections is whether one is categorized as defiant or complaint to Museveni’s rule. Mugisha Muntu is accused by his opponents as belonging to the complaint opposition that Museveni “loves” while at the same time he has accused the former party President Dr. Besigye of monopolizing the defiance campaign.

But does Besigye own the Defiance movement in Uganda? Omar Kalinge Nyago traces for us the origin of the non violent strategy to fight Museveni and RE-DECLASSIFIED


As the debate on defiance rages, it is timely to bring this declassified information, and if remembered, especially by those who were part of the initial effort- it can help redirect their energy to the liberation of our country. As it turns out, some of them are now on opposite sides (of the opposition) today which is natural. Among the women I can only recall only one female commander whom we lost to the enemy (defected), a lady from Mityana, who later became RDC. Among the men/male we have not lost a single commander to the enemy camp (defection) in 8 years. The ideological training received was thorough. The enemy was clear to them. So were the methods. And the goal.
Do you recall these below?

Inter Party Cooperation, IPC?

Youth for Human Rights Workshop where, for the first time, activists from 5 political parties were introduced to the 198 methods of non violent action?

World Youth Day?

The Letter to ICC?

Women For Peace- who launched the first defiance action on the Electoral Commission?

IPC Regional and Training workshops that covered 3 quarters of the country in 2009-2010?

Campaign For Free and Fair Election, CAFFE?

National Alliance for a Free and Fair Election, NAFFE?

Walk to Work?

People Power?

Activist for Change, A4C?

The day Against Police brutality

For God and My Country 4GC?

The commanders, sub commanders and most of the activists and/or beneficiaries (trainees) of these and some other special operations not yet declassified, are still alive. Some are dead. Some are in jail. Some are important people. Others are contented fighters for justice and change that don’t care what position they hold, provided they are a safe distance (physical and ideological) from the enemy. Some are really struggling to make ends meet. But they have stood firm and are patiently active in the struggle. That was part of the training.

Some learnt faster than others. Some got confused a little bit by the dazzle of the media (exposure) – they enjoyed the limelight. They started measuring “success” by how many minutes they were shown on prime time (how much news they made). But it is okay. That served a purpose as well.

However, some remained concealed and lethal – they actually run away from cameras when they see them. These form the back bone of the struggle for liberation. They are carrying on with more training and recruitment into the democratic struggle. Again you are not likely to watch them on TV or her them on radio. Or when you do, you see “their works” and not them.

We could have done better. It easy to think that the opposition is not making progress. I hear people say that IPC was a failure. How wrong. They don’t know what IPC brought to Uganda. Whatever you see as defiance, as cross party cooperation and solidarity – is a result in larger part of the IPC and its special operations.

If this declassified info has awakened something in you, then remember. We don’t spend ammunition in small battles at the expense of the bigger one.

RESERVE YOUR BEST FOR THE ENEMY. Friendly fire is a sign of confusion.

Confusion is the last stage before death, of either a person, or an organization.veals exactly who “owns” this campaign;
