Energy Ministry PS Dr. Stephen Isabalija sacked

Energy Ministry PS Dr. Stephen Isabalija sacked

President, Yoweri Museveni has sacked the newly appointed Energy Ministry, Permanent Secretary, Dr. Stephen Isabalija triggering panic in the Ministry. The Government Spokesperson, Ofwono Opondo confirmed the development the sacking.

According to Opondo, President Museveni dropped Isabalija and in his place appointed the Acting Director at the Directorate of Petroleum, Robert Kasande to act in the position.

“He instructed that he is paid his one’s month salary…… He didn’t give reasons for terminating his contract,” said Opondo.

Earlier on, junior staff in the Energy Ministry told URN that they had also heard about the termination of Isabalija’s contract, but were yet to receive an official communication from the Energy and Mineral Development Minister, Irene Muloni.

According to some sources, Dr. Isabalija’s sacking is connected to the bribery allegations surrounding some of the now lucrative deals in the oil and gas sector as well as the hydropower dam developments. Sources believe Isabalija’s sacking may have been largely connected to the cancellation of the Memorundum of Understanding between government and and China Africa Investment and Development Company (CAIDC) for constructions of Kiba Dam and bribery allegations surrounding the award of the refinery deal to the Albertine Refinery Consortium.

In July this year, Dr. Isabalija reportedly terminated a Memorandum of Understanding between Uganda and China Africa Investment and Development Company (CAIDC).The investors had pledged to invest US $700 million in the Kiba hydro project.

The termination of the memorandum of understanding reportedly greatly affected, progress towards the construction of Kiba Hydro Power Project across River Nile.

Dr. Isabalija was reportedly unhappy that the Chinese investors had taken 25 months without commencing the project. The President China Africa Investment and Development Company (CAIDC), Zhao Lionel reportedly complained to the President and Ministry of Energy officials.


Sources indicate that the politicians at the Ministry and some of the technical persons then handling the matter were not happy with the Permanent Secretary accusing him of acting without consultation.

The source also indicates that Dr. Isabalija’s sacking could also be connected to the eviction of the artisan miners from Mubende recently. It is emerging that artisan miners were working with highly connected individuals who according to sources allegedly complained to Statehouse.

Energy Minister, Irene Muloni couldn’t be reached on phone for comment. The State Minister for Energy, Simon D’ujanga said he had received similar calls from other journalists. Dr. Isabalija’s could not be reached on his mobile because his phone was switched off.
