Riek Machar calls on UN, AU to takeover South Sudan's peace process

Riek Machar calls on UN, AU to takeover South Sudan's peace process

South Sudan’s former Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, has called upon the African Union and the International Community to take over South Sudan Peace Process as he accused IGAD of failing an opportunity to restore South Sudans peace and security.

In a statement titled, “IGAD High Level Revitalization Forum is a Failed Initiative”,  released last week, Machar has said the Intergovernmental Authority on Development(IGAD) shifted its focus from addressing the core political issues through a revitalization forum to appeasing President Salva Kiir and his allies.

“It is unfortunate that IGAD once again missed an opportunity to initiate a genuine process to end the war in South Sudan. Furthermore IGAD is divided in its approach with regards to South Sudan conflict.” Machar noted.

Machar says “the forum was mandated to discuss measures to restore permanent ceasefire, full implementation of the agreement and to develop a revised and realistic timeline and implementation schedule to the end of a democratic election at the end of transition period”  but instead the regional block shifted focus to adopt Salva Kiir’s version of revitalization.

 According to the SPLM/A Chairman, IGAD now wants to use the High Level Forum to sustain financial support from western donors and to fund to support Salva Kiir’s National Dialogue.

Machar believes that both the National Dialogue and Arush SPLM Reunification cannot be operationalized as long as war continues in the country.

He believes that once the war has stopped, people can be reconciled through a national dialogue

He has called on, AU, EU, UN and the rest of the international community to take over and support a political process that will bring permanent ceasefire, peace, dialogue and reconciliation.

“It is with deep regret that we request IGAD to relinquish leadership of the peace process in South Sudan and allow for a different and neutral body to take over the process.”

“SPLM/A-IO proposes the AU to lead with the support of the UN, EU, TROIKA, and the rest of the International Community to support our position” Machar continued.
