NASA reveals Uhuru's plan to use police to rig polls~Full statement

NASA reveals Uhuru's plan to use police to rig polls~Full statement

NASA has today released a press statement in which they expressed fear that incumbent president Uhuru having failed the country by ”presiding over runaway corruption, massive unemployment and a malfunctioning economy”, with no achievement to show Kenyans  has planned to use state organs to rig the vote.

Bellow is the full statement:


Exactly one month ago, that is on the 20th of June 2017, at this very spot we stand on today, we alerted the country to the plans by the Jubilee administration to involve security agencies in the conduct and management of elections in ways that had nothing to do with maintaining peace and order.

We said that the mobilisation for involving security agencies in the conduct of elections began immediately the High Court ruled in April that presidential election results declared at the constituency are final and not subject to any moderation or alterations.

Of course the Jubilee administration, led by President Uhuru Kenyatta quickly mobilised and denied the existence of such schemes.

Today, we want to address a very specific aspect of this mobilisation and in turn demand very specific answers from the authorities to the country.

Documents in our possession, and which we are sharing with the public, indicate that a team of 42 police officers have been assigned what the Kenya Police Service calls “Special Duties” via a circular dated 23rd June 2017.

To perform the “special duties” the officers have had their kits withdrawn. They have been issued with clearance certificates and asked to report to police headquarters to be issued with discharge certificates on or before 2nd July 2017.

These officers have been picked from the various police formations including GSU, Kenya Airport Police Unit, Traffic, and Dog Unit among others, across the country.

Recruits to this scheme are also being drawn from the National Intelligence Service.

Information at our disposal indicate that these officers will be recruited as polling clerks of the IEBC, of course with instructions from the Jubilee administration on how to behave.

A similar exercise took place in the run up to the 2013 elections, when officers drawn mostly from the NIS were recruiting as polling clerks, IT officers and into other positions where they proceeded to manipulate and corrupt the system from within to deliver a dubious victory to Jubilee.

The recruitments going on now are not happening in isolation or out of the blues. They are products of panic strategy meetings by Jubilee that followed both the court rulings mentioned earlier and NIS polls that showed President Uhuru Kenyatta trailing by a huge margin.

We have details of a meeting dated Nairobi, Friday 16th June 2017 whose preamble said that an opinion poll commissioned by the NIS the week before had caused massive panic in government as it put the race at 30 per cent to 70 per cent in favour of NASA.

It was after this poll that Jubilee hurriedly formed a team that discussed in their own words, “three possible scenarios of the impending General Elections outcomes, and their likely repercussions.”

The recruitment of police officers into election activities and the mobilisation of other security agencies for so-called peace operation fall within the recommendations of the Jubilee team under scenario number two which was “An Undisputable Raila Win.”

The jubilee minutes dated Friday 16th June 2017 described a Raila win as “tragic” and said president Uhuru Kenyatta would out rightly reject the results and refuse to hand over power.

It is under this scenario of a Raila win, which now looks increasingly likely, that the on-going activities fall.

The Jubilee strategy team had recommended, among other things, use police officers as polling officials (presiding officers, polling clerks, and polling/party agents.)

We are demanding the following from the Inspector General of Police:

a) What is the nature of the special duties the police officers have been assigned?

b) What is the current posting of the police officers in question?

c) What are the criteria that were used to identify the officers to be picked for these special duties?

d) Which other Police officers are involved in special duty assignments surrounding the upcoming General Election.

Once again, we want to challenge President Kenyatta to go beyond mere rhetoric and show in action that he is prepared to play by the rules and respect the will of the Kenyan people in this election. Uhuru must not subvert the will of the people or overthrow our constitution. His maneuverers indicate that he is not prepared to respect the verdict of the people, contrary to his pronouncements.

To our supporters, I wish to affirm that there is something good in Uhuru’s manoeuvres. They indicate Jubilee is struggling and Uhuru is beatable.

Having failed the country by presiding over runaway corruption, massive unemployment and a malfunctioning economy, Uhuru has no achievement to show Kenyans and nothing to propel him.

The momentum is with NASA. We are poised for an outright win and Jubilee must end these manoeuvres.
