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Looking at the age limit fight from another angle

Looking at the age limit fight from another angle

Maybe looking at age amendments in a different perspectives could bring everyone to oppose it.

By:Owomugisha Javilla

There is talk for Muhoozi taking over after his father and Muhoozi can keep on winning election for 55 years!

Let us be sober and really see what we’re trying to do to our country.

Two presidents in a century:

If the age limit is removed from the constitution and suppose, two power greedy individuals ascend to power automatically they will play the same tricks to rule by law, change the constitution to fit them and finally it will be reduced into one law as it was in Animal farm. . so in almost 100 years we may possibly have two presidents.

Suppose an individual becomes a president at the age of 35, playing the same silly games Kaguta is playing he will bribe his way through elections. Such a person will end up staying in office for sixty years at 95 years old. Then his son takes over at 35 years plays the same games and rules for 60 years, the 2 gets 120 years.

Remember dictators never die young they stay around terrorizing their citizens. So one family is set to monopolize the presidency and turn the republic into a monarchy.

By tampering with article 26 and 102 (b) we ceding our children into slaves in Museveni’s family monarchy.

We are laying a foundation to eliminate your and my children out of governance of this country and handing it over to Museveni’s family.

This is more than insane.

It doesn’t matter how patient a society is or how good a leader is and loved–no body is good to an extent of making citizens make crazy foolish decisions.

Some can list developed nations that have no term or age limits but again—but in the same societies you can hear someone at a position a deputy speaker  say crazy stuff like if you have a gun you have or you own everything.

Removing the age limit should be the limit for Ugandans patience. It is strong enough to call for armed struggle to return sanity to our country.

There is talk for Muhoozi taking over after his father and Muhoozi  dictating for the next 55 years making the monarchy scenerial real.

We need to get religious leaders, teachers, doctors, Students, security personnel and all concerned citizens to fight this madness.

