Kaweesa Kaweesa: Letter to my Munyankore friend

Kaweesa Kaweesa: Letter to my Munyankore friend

Oligye Turyesimiira K Bethel. Agaba Yateera e ha rekodii!!

I write to you in a jovial sad mood Beseeri! Jovial because I’m one of the many “other Ugandans” and sad because you my long term friend and fellow survival struggler is on the hated side.

Agaba’s death broke Uganda’s record as the most celebrated death, beating Dr Apollo Milton Obote’s hands down. Amidst celebrations, I thought about you, the sadness I MUST get when you my fellow struggler die but given what your fellows have imparted into us I will be surrounded by celebrating Ugandans. So I decided to write to you my cautious warning from the statements society made to Agaba’s relatives/pals in crime and government in general. When people loose any hope of getting justice from a government, they welcome it from whatever source internal or external.

Agaba arrogantly committed the biggest human crime in which Court justice is JUST a consolation to the relatives as the sores caused can never heal. Government displayed racist injustice by releasing him on “ORDERS FROM ABOVE” and kicking legal justice procedures aside out of impunity.

In doing so government made a statement to all Ugandans that anyone from M7s family, clan, tribe or region is untouchable, above laws, has automatic powers to carry a gun, free to shoot/kill at will, not answerable to any justice system and can’t be held by any prison. Just setting him free and arresting his co-accused displayed government disregard of non M7—relatives and a high level racism.

Death struck at a perfect moment when Kanyamunyus haughty court smile flashed fresh on every Ugandan mind as M7 asserted it on us with an 87% cabinet from your tribe! All these acts opened wounds of Ugandans who are direct victims of Agaba’s tribes mates arrogance and “above the law” behaviors in different fields. With this act, even staunch NRM non Banyankore die-hard who always boost mbu “Tuli mukintu” woke up to a realization that this is a FAMILY thing in which non-clans mates are just stupid unwelcome followers.

With this level of impunity the rest of Ugandans see you as an imperialistic race far worse than the white colonialists and apartheid perpetrators. In my area, those who still support your party are compared to colonial collaborators. Munnange Ugandans are not in moods for gvy change, but for colonial resistance and are very cautious no serious positive government change agenda can come from one of you or from your side. The messages you saw were not directed to the dead but you the living Banyankole’s.

Most reactions came from people who neither knew nor had ever heard of Agaba’s Luzira incident. Death just gave chance to your gvt victims to release their anger as your police state shut down all other talk forums. Oppressed Ugandans have piled enough anger just set to burst and strike given any opportunity which even you fellow struggler will not survive. Nearly every Ugandan is affected and unhappy with your dominance of every sector. With that in born arrogance Ugandans see you as source of their suffering.

Actually suffering Ugandans would welcome your death with the happiest mode possible and on their knees very many are praying for Kayihura, Kanyamunya, Muhanga, M7 etc to follow suit ASAP. If God has given you chance to watch Agaba’s death celebrated its high time you reflect on yours. Kenzira I don’t want my sadness to be crowded by happy faces at your burial. A renown life struggling Munyankole like you and others its high time you disowned a family click that plunders this country hides behind your tribe to victimize and fetch hatred for all of you.

Agaba is lucky that he is dead so he will not personally test the bitter fruits of his selfish arrogance [though his children will] but if the trend goes unabated you may regret within the Tutsi—Hutu like genocide in the making. Caution your tribes-mates to take Agaba as an eye opening saint and start acting as if there is tomorrow and you’re among just accommodative understanding people keenly watching all your acts. MAY HIS SOUL ROAST IN HELL.

Konka Wegyendereze Munnongaa! Kandi ondebeere abe Rwamaggwa.

