Kabaka likely to face old Buganda battles in the 25th year

Kabaka likely to face old Buganda battles in the 25th year

  • Buganda’s old battles likely to surface in the 25th reign

Back in 1980s before his coronation the then Ssabataka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi speaking to BBC talked of uncertainty of the return of his Kingdom and doubted how Baganda would recieve him. Today The king is in Buwekula celebrating his 24th coronation as the 36th King of Buganda Kingdom, the biggest Kingdom in the region with overwhelming nonestop welcome from allover Buganda.

Mutebi has succeeded in bringing the kingdom this far amidst a lot of biases established by the post colonial regimes.

The Kabaka has managed to maintain the Kingdom’s popularity and all its establishments are pace setters in the country. The Baganda politicians are still more influential especially in opposition and CBS the Kingdom radio is second to none while the Masaza tournament is better than even the country’s league.

Mutebi has ended the religious conflict question his grandfathers failed to solve. He seems to have settled it that Catholics are at home while at Mengo.

Mutebi strengthened the position of Omulangira w’e Kibuli, prince Nakibinge who is the the most respect prince in the Kingdom. The moslem fraternity is comfortable and settled in him.

Mutebi established American style 4 years terms for his Katikiro’s whom he changes depending on his subjects voices. This power change has reserved respect for the kingship.

Buganda and Baganda in general has its unfulfilled agitations which might get silent for some time but can never die.  These stem from the unsullied Buganda agreement-sharing of her properties and the 1962 independence where Buganda joined Uganda as an autonomous state under Kabaka also unfulfilled.

The kingdom depends on land to be or disintegrate.

The current setting foretells that the Kabaka is to walk from Buweekula celebrations into “a battle” for his people, his property [land] his kingdom existence. The current trend forecasts either the Kingdom acts or quietly looses her heritage to grabbers. The post colonial turmoil may burst out in the 25th year of his rule

The Kabaka is the undoubted biggest landlord in Uganda. The current parliament intended amendment of article 102[b] intends to directly affect him and his people who are defacto land owners in the countries most prime areas.

Governments direct opposition to his KyapaMungalo project has hit a snag as Baganda refused to buy governments stand but the damage was made with following connotations that Museveni’s government directly intends to destroy the Kingdom through direct land grabbing.

The Kyapa mu Ngala question has awoken and re-ignited the hitherto quite Kingdom defenders who government thought had been detached from the Kabaka and with a pro-government leadership at Mengo Kabaka had been isolated.

Government desecration of Mengo establishment using Baganda ploys Tamale Mirundi, Muzaata, Beti Kamya and Nadduli back-fired as quite Kabaka forces woke up to defend him.

The kingdom dependent on land is left with 2 options, either to fight for survival or watch as cannibals eat it up.

Katikiro Mayiga by either agreement with Museveni or strategy had decided to disengage Buganda-Mengo administration from political activism and all opposition politicians had been thrown out.

By today’s coronation the honey-moon seem to be over. Governement is likely to face a more hostile Kattikiro as Mayiga without secure tenure is more likely to turn to the people’s side against oppressors.

Mayiga more than before is united with renown activist and they agree and fight on the same front on the issue of land.

Mayiga, who hitherto coundnt say a word against government, last week had a full 2hours radio program castigating government plan to defraud people’s land.

Mayiga having completed the 4years tenure retained or not, is likely to be pro-people. If Mayiga is to go, he wants to use this short period to prove he didnt ally with Museveni to steal Buganda’s heritage. If he is to stay, Mayiga is likely to be a reformed man with intention not to create a negative legacy for his future generation.

The on going trend in Uganda the agitated public  is very likely to turn to cultural leaders and force them publicly declare their stand.

The youth hatred of Museveni is redoubtable. The youth have reached out to their MPs informing them of their desire to end Museveni’s term, This week they reached out to all ambassadors in different countries telling them their opposition for Museveni.

The next big institution they are to seek address is the cultural institutions.

The Kabaka is renowned for being on the peoples side–for Obuganda’s no 1 richness is its people. He listens to peoples concern for example, on the redevelopment of Lubiri which he stopped, on Kyapa Mu ngalo which he ordered Mengo administration to go slow and also start massive training of the same etc.

In Buganda, there is re-emergency of youth cultural groups which had gone under-cover, the Buganda Mwenyango, Bangawa and the massive revitalization of Nkobazambogo in all academic institutions.

The Kabaka’s 25th year must be approached with extra caution as the Baganda  and their Kingdom will have to face Museveni’s unpopular regime  that wants to use the constitution to extend its rule. For the Baganda are contented  by and large in their King’s rule and their happiness is enhanced by the presence of Prince Ssemakokiro and Jjunju plus the beloved Ssangalyambogo and other princesses offering no missing link for the future generation.


