SPLA-10 Deputy Chief writes to Donald Trump asking for release of DR. Riek Machar

SPLA-10 Deputy Chief writes to Donald Trump asking for release of DR. Riek Machar

Letter by: Lt. General Wesley Welebe Samson

Following the South Sudan crises which happened between 7-11 July 2016 in Juba, its surroundings and now covering all other parts of South Sudan, which has resulted to loss of many lives and properties, displacement of many South Sudanese and humanitarian disaster, ceasefire violations, total collapse of South Sudan economy and 2015 peace agreement and illegal detention of SPLA/M IO Chairman and Commander In Chief Dr. Riek Machar in South Africa, South Sudan has now become a failed State. I am therefore kindly appealing to the current US President Donald Trump to immediately do the following:-

Order immediate release of SPLA/M IO Chairman and Commander In Chief Dr. Riek Machar from illegal detention in South Africa, so that he can participate in the search for peace in South Sudan.

Put pressure on President Salva Kiir and SPLA/M IG to recommit themselves to immediate, genuine, permanent ceasefire and revival of the 2015 peace agreement.

Immediate removal of Taban Deng Gai and appointment of Dr. Riek Machar as the First Vice President for the Republic of South Sudan.

 Speedy deployment of the Regional Protection Force to take over security of Juba town and its surrounding towns. Arrange for quick return of Dr. Riek Machar back to Juba as First Vice President, so that together with President  Salva Kiir, they can quickly do the following:-

Total demilitarization of Juba

Stop operationalization of the thirty two States with immediate effect and form a committee to look into this matter. Immediate establishment of cantonment sites for all IO forces in Equatoria and all parts of South Sudan and provision of all needed logistics for them.

Reconstitute the parliament and allow the Equatorians to choose a Speaker of their choice without any further manipulation and intimidation as stipulated in the signed peace agreement.

Reconstitute/establish all institutions of governance as stipulated in the signed Peace Agreement. Start reform process of all institutions of governance as stipulated in the signed Peace Agreement, beginning with security sector reform.

Recall all ambassadors, South Sudan Representatives to the United Nations and appoint new ones jointly with other parties as stipulated in the 2015 signed Peace Agreement, taking into account tribal, geographical and regional balancing.

Allow full participation of all armed groups and opposition forces in the new government.

Remove military from all roadblocks and check points in the Country and replace them with police, so as to allow free movement of goods and people in and out of the country. Lift the state of emergency and allow people leaving the country to go without unnecessary security investigation and clearance.

Release all individuals who are arrested because of having connections with SPLA/M IO and order the security forces not to arrest, torture or kill any civilians or loot their properties.

All those who have lost their properties be compensated so that they can rebuild themselves and start a new life.

Organize a national dialogue

Organize national elections.

Best regards

Lt. General Wesley Welebe Samson,

Deputy Chief of Staff for training

