Museveni publicly embraces 'illegitimate' daughter Georgina

Museveni publicly embraces 'illegitimate' daughter Georgina

President Museveni has walked out of self denial and publicly embraced his daughter Georgina Nyangoma who has been a secret to society.

Like most African men Museveni didn’t stick to the marriage vows but cheated on Janet and fathered children with other women.

However officially Museveni had been presenting only Janet’s children and recently grandchildren. Until this week when reality caught up with him

At Mukono Christian University Mukono his “illegitimate”(pun) daughter was becoming of age and this weekend it was time for facts that can never be hidden to unearth as one of them to get married.

Out of the ordinary the gorgeous Museveni’s girl Kuhingirwa was held at State House instead of the family home in Rwakitura, still news leaked courtesy of Georgina’s maternal side.

Yesterday it was a moment of truth for Museveni who as a father had no option but to walk his daughter to the aisle for the whole public to know what went through darkness.

 Nyangoma exchanged marriage vows with ASP Phillip Kiboyo Atwine and the Archbishop of Uganda, the Most Rev. Stanley Ntagali presided over the ceremony at St. Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe, in Kampala on Saturday.


The bridegroom is the son of the late Major Emmanuel Kagumire Rujwengibwa and Joy Magara of Ruharo in Mbarara district.

Escorted by his wife Janet! President Yoweri Museveni urged parents to groom their children in spiritual life before they reach marriage age.


“Children need to be groomed spiritually. I, personally, being duty bound, thank Mama Janet Museveni for bringing up our children in a spiritual way of life,” he said.


In his sermon, Archbishop Stanley Ntagali told the new couple that marriage is a good institution but made difficult by players in it.


“Marriage is good. Enjoy its sweetness. Marriage is all about God’s love. Neither of you two is an angel,” he said.
