Mumbere protests delayed investigations

Mumbere protests delayed investigations

The Rwenzururu King, Charles Wesley Mumbere is disappointed by the state failure to conclude investigations into his case. Mumbere expressed his disappointment at Jinja High court shortly this morning after Justice John Francis Kaggwa adjourned his case to June 16th.

Justice Kaggwa adjourned court after the State Prosecutor; James Muliro said the state is yet to complete investigations into the matter. Muliro told the same court early this year that they had completed investigations and were working on the committal papers to send the suspects to the International Crimes Division (ICD) of the High Court.

Mumbere, who is jointly charged with 141 royal guards, said it is unfortunate that the investigations are taking long. “My case will go down into the books of history as being the first king since independence to be tried with such a big number of suspects. I was given bail but the restrictions around my home make it another prison.” he said.
