Greater Masaka DP leaders banish Mbidde-Mao from their region-Not even for a burial ceremony

Greater Masaka DP leaders banish Mbidde-Mao from their region-Not even for a burial ceremony

3 DP District executive leaders resolved to disown and totally banish Mbidde and Mao from their districts of Bukomansimbi, Kalungu and Ssembabule. The resolution was reached at in a meeting held in Bukomansimbi district on Monday.

The meeting/resolution came a day after police commanded by Mbidde, brutally dispersed a DP meeting organised by Masaka MP Mathias Mpuuga in Masaka.

The party executives accuse both Mbidde and Mao of selling the party to Museveni, drawing funds from NRM, disorganizing DP, using police to brutalize party, intentionally stunting the party members among others.

Kasule Frank the party Chairman for Kalungu district warned party member of NRM implants he refereed to as ‘Gorbachev’s’ “planted within DP at university and UYD levels with an intention of killing the party”. He said after 30 years of dictatorship those ‘implants’ have now grown and its time to act. He straight forward mentioned Mbidde and Mao as people of this category

Speaking in the same meeting, the DP chairperson Bukomansimbi Mr, Felix Lubwama said “we are fed up of impostors who have routinely chased members from the party without recruiting any”.Angrily he added that “The party is in a mess because every member who comes to defend the party dictum and motto of TRUTH AND JUSTICE is chased by NRM agents holding party authority”

They out lined a list of party members Mao has chased out of the party who among others; Lukwago Elias, Ssebuliba Mutumba, Kasibante Moses Kato Lubwama plus killing the Party youth wing UYD.

Ssembabule district party chairman Tony Mugambwa called upon DP members to be vigilant and realize the snake amidst them. He reminded members that “DP was founded amidst turmoil and colonial hardship but her founders set standards and an ideology that cant be destroyed no matter the situation.”

They called upon party Member to stick to party doctrines and support Nambooze’s cause of Making DP great again as true democrats.

“They [Mao-Mbidde] are exposed we nolonger need to ask who they work for” He concluded

In their written resolution they strictly warned Mbidde and Mao never to attempt stepping in any of the three districts, ;not even to attend a burial’ They advised all districts in Uganda to follow suit as that is the only way the NRM moles can be isolated before being Kicked out.

Members who attended the meeting were, Kasule Frank DP Chairman Kalungu district,

Ferix Lubwama DP chairman Bukomansimbi, Mugambwa Tonny DP chairma SSembabule, with their executive members


