Court legitimizes Magogo's FUFA by dismissing Dan Walusimbi's Case

Court legitimizes Magogo's FUFA by dismissing Dan Walusimbi's Case

By Andy Kaweesa.

Court Thursday breathed some fresh air into Ugandan soccer by settling one of the long standing court battles in FUFA administration. The ruling comes at a time when FUFA is in deep preparations for elections starting Saturday 29th

Her Lordship Basaza Wasswa  dismissed with costs Ex-player  Dan Walusimbi’s  case against FUFA. The Group sued the soccer governing body claiming to be the rightly registered Trustees of Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) and also opposed cancellation of their certificate of Trustees issued by Ministry of Lands.

According to the Tweed Plaza judge, the certificate of incorporation that had been issued to Walusimbi’s faction by Ministry of Lands was later cancelled so they automatically have no ground to challenge the credibility and legality of FUFA

Walusimbi had challenged the legality of FUFA reasoning that football governing body should not be run as a limited Company but rather a company under trust.

Fufa however denies the allegations indicating the limited company (scoreline) within Fufa is just a business arm of the Federation.

FUFA lawyer Tebyasa said “They lodged cases against Lawrence Mulindwa, Moses Magogo, Edgar Watson and others but court today has made the ruling which dismisses all their allegations,”

The authentic certificate handed over to FUFA by National Council of Sports
The authentic certificate handed over to FUFA by National Council of Sports


Mulindwa Joins FUFA race.

Mulindwa returns to haunt Magogo on FUFA presidency, elections are set August
