Ugandans should oppose the opposition for fighting NRM's proxy wars

Without mincing words, I disagree with oppositions wholesale follow-up of NRM diversionary politics. It lacks its own agenda and seems out to play delaying tactics in proxy battles as Museveni fulfills his 50years occupational plan.

By; Kaweesa Kaweesa

I have for a long time been actively involved in opposition politics with a rare chance of having a close access to almost all opposition bigwigs.

Much as I appreciate it's role in presenting a stringent opposition against Museveni's occupational regime, I also feel a strong disappointment in their continued lack of any single serious short or long term strategy geared towards uprooting NRM

In all it's actions, opposition is playing into NRM's diversionary politic that facilitates Museveni's evil conspiracies against Ugandans.

They spends would be planning time engulfed in loose talk, inner power struggles. Mao vs Nambooze/Lukwago. Muntu vs Besigye, FDC vs DP etc etc ending up getting to general elections disorganized, divided, without any activity plan or even a serious opposition candidate

It's an obvious lie that a 30years established dictatorship can be rooted out without laying at least a 5years strategic work-plan. This means that whenever opposition has no visible strategic work-plan 5-10years to an elections as it is now, it is automatically just deceiving and wasting change loving Ugandans time.
Our opposition just plays the role of buying time through giving false hope, baring would be serious opposition entrants and discouraging Ugandans as the NRMs 50years ethnic plan pass.

In the last elections, TDA maliciously played into NRM's delaying tactics and dragged opposition up to election time without anything tangible but only to expose opposition as an unserious camp.

Its a disappointing revelation that lack of practical ground strategy is based on the fact that the majority of our opposition politicians are fighting only to maintain the status quo, to selfishly fit into the oppressive regime as opposition instead of fighting to completely root it out.

All current politicians like M7 don't build structures or individuals when they are not the direct beneficiaries. They are all engulfed in greedy strategies for their own re-elections but ignore activism geared towards a common patriotic goal.

Dr Col Besigye and FDC's primary fight is to maintain the position of leader of opposition and main opposition party respectively.

Ironically, when MP Kyagulanyi gets to the political scene, barely a month he has already been diverted from targeting Museveni to fighting Besigye in a struggle to be the countries main opposition figure! hence the hatred/enmity with people he would join hands with against M7! The supremacy war!

The FDC is amazingly satisfied with being number two to an extent that with all peoples support they have never taken time to establish active village structures yet it is the only way to strengthen a party, challenge NRM and extend opposition to people.
Like any other change loving Ugandan, i was disappointed when I witnessed the fact that Besigye and FDC didn't have polling agents in areas as near as Mukono!! Then where were they?

To date I have failed to convince myself to date this wasn't a deliberate sale out and with 70% of FDC MPs turning against opposition after elections my attention to it being a partial NRM clone is heightened

Because they haven't set their own agenda, the Opposition follows NRMs agenda by verbally jumping on whatever the evil government does just to impress community as they work with government

This routine empty talk has turned into NRMs favor as it blinds community into partial psychological satisfaction to arrest them from pursuing practical actions against the evil regime, and Museveni-Rwandan long term occupation plan.

Like it was last term, when TDA kept us under false hope to the last minute, Even this term Opposition is dragging us into TDA mess. They lack a 5/10 years step by step work-plan to strengthen itself and salvage Ugandans but are delay-dying us, waiting for opposition power fights as 2021 elections knock.
Briefly, being plan-less now, the current opposition can't salvage Ugandans in 2021, and 4years to the polls it has logically already lost that election.

Their remaining role is to keep playing diversionary politics on Ugandans, block new political entrants, establish opposition monopoly up to 2021 then claim being electoral mal-practices victims drag us back into the vicious cycle of election court games as NRM establishes itself into its 50years plan-and they resettle as opposition leaders.

Its now or never, Opposition should get Ugandans out of games and lay visible strategies against the regime instead of playing curtains as Museveni unabated implements whatever evil conspiracy against the country.

Just talking against NRM's evil has proved useless and actually Museveni likes it as it gives psychological satisfaction to masses and has become his reference point of being a 'democrat. "People have freedom of speech"

That's why his Government purposely employs people like Andrew Mwenda or Tamale Mirundi to purposely exposes its evil to people so as to release anger. Meaning that whenever opposition just talks about it freely it's helping the regime--act

Stop fighting a proxy-war, stick to one practical cause/message
Museveni's sole aim is to establish a Tutsi dynasty by socially, politically and economically rotting all indigenous communities while empowering Rwandans.

Opposition should get out of the imagination that NRM is a political party, fact is, it's an ethnic establishment/occupational force, combining imperialists and apartheid exploitative characteristics
It has exposed itself as an anti Ugandan force, bent on kicking indigenous tribes out of administrative roles as Rwandans takeover the countries economic and political control.

The above state calls for Opposition to dump selfish party divisions, work together and align Ugandans against Rwandans who are clearly lined up against them under NRM party blackmail

It should be fought under unity as our grandparents joined hands to fight white colonialists else history will judge our entire generation as a blind lots incapable of seeing NRMs obvious blackmail and ethical occupational intentions.

I feel it's high time we dissected to the ignorant Ugandans the deeper truth behind M7s deliberate destruction of all the country sectors, instead of making passive verbal criticism. which I'm sure every Ugandan (Even in NRM, army police) will easily understand compared to the NRM-vs- opposition coverup talk which leaves people in ignorance and promotes Tutsi blackmail
I'm tired of hearing people talk-talk and talk just reminding people about NRMs evils which they already know-in the name of justifying their being opposition.

If you can't help Ugandans raise against this visibly imperial force, then you are part of it, just providing it legitimacy by playing opposition to it.

Either act or give Ugandans room to fight and retrieve their country else the current opposition games just send our kids and the next generation of all indigenous Ugandans into Rwandans slavery.
I beg to move



