Nambooze's surgery delays as gov't fails to remit hospital money
Spine Specialist at Manipal Hospital Bangalore India have confirmed Mukono municipality MP Betty Nambooze suffers a condition called Lumbar Disc Prolapse with Nerve compression and she is to undergo surgical process medically known as Poterior Lumbar Decompression and Fusion L5/L5
According to sources from the hospital, the delicate operation was supposed to be done tomorrow but government has ‘failed’ to release her treatment funds which it had promised to forward a day after she left, hence the operation delays.

The Medical Board cleared MP Nambooze to leave the country for further medical attention a month after the infamous SFC parliament siege in which her back was broken along other opposition MPs like Hon Zaake.
She spent the last one month admitted at Bugolobi Medical Centre where she has been just under pain management as she awaited permission to leave for surgery
Like any other VIPs in her category, Nambooze is entitled to medical attention from government–and more so as its government agents that hurt her moreover on duty at parliament.
Nambooze left for India last Thursday, with her husband, caretaker and a local doctor [Tennywa Fred] from Bugoloobi Health center. Parliament paid for only 3 of the four air tickets, her contingent extra costs were paid up by the Buganda government and Dr Besigye bought the 4th ticket
The operations and contingent cost totals to 200m which Nambooze says has resorted to personal savings and friends to cover up for her life
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