Mpigi, Nakaseke, Kyotera, Busia districts go Togikwatako

Mpigi, Nakaseke, Kyotera, Busia districts go Togikwatako

Mpigi district has become the latest district to declare whole sale its stand against Museveni’s life presidency project.

The districts of Mpigi, Busia Nakaseke, Kyotera have joined Kampala, Masaka, Mukono, Wakiso, Butambala, Buvuma among others as the first districts to turn into no-go areas for Museveni’s age limit removal project advocates.

Aware of this development, Museveni resorted to dispatching his party bigwigs to various parts of the country to convince masses and get support for the bill where MPs have been chased besides the 29m bribe money.


The NRM District Chairman and MP John Bosco Lubyayi Sseguya declared during a consultative meeting Sunday that he cannot support the lifting of the presidential age limit because the majority of people in his constituency have rejected the scheme.

Mr Lubyayi said he has consulted 80% of the people in the sub-counties of Kituntu, Nkozi and Buwama who instructed him not to support the age limit bill.

“When almost 40,000 voters in a constituency tell me to reject the bill, even if it’s money to buy me, I will not accept, I cannot dig my own grave. . ” Lubyayi vowed

A week ago, MP Amelia Kyambadde the Mawokota North MP also in Mpigi, fled a consultative meeting in Mpigi town after rowdy crowds warned her not to support the impending Constitutional amendments.


District woman MP Sarah Najjuma and Nakaseke constituency MP Richard Gafabusa have

MP Sarah Najjuma and Nakaseke constituency MP Richard Gafabusa in a consultative meeting
MP Sarah Najjuma and Nakaseke constituency MP Richard Gafabusa in a consultative meeting

been sternly warned against supporting the age limit bill, voters have ordered them to oppose it even if it means they remains alone.

The MPs, got the dump orders in a consultative meetings conducted in 13 parishes she has so far traversed. In Bwamba sub County,  361 people opposed the amendment, 75 supported while 32 were undecided.

In the meeting, NRM supporters advised President Museveni to instead prepare his successor.

The MPs vowed to carry the will of people and promised to respect the demands of the electorates.

Najjuma said: “The process of consulting has been transparent and smooth …for that reason i will go with the views of the majority”

Similarly, the constituency MP Richard Gafabusa promised to base on the resolution of the majority to vote against the bill when it gets tabled in parliament for the second reading.


Newly elected district MP Robina Ssentongo has vowed to carry peoples opinion which is clearly TOGIKWATAKO. 

Robina has said she has traversed all sub-counties in her constituency and 70% of voters say togikwatako.

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In Mbiriizi

Mbirizi Rwengo and Ndaggwe sub-counties, district MP Namujju Cissy was chased out of consultative meeting for supporting age limit removal against their will.





