South Sudan: Dr Riek Machar discuss peace with IGAD

South Sudan: Dr Riek Machar discuss peace with IGAD

Dr. Riek Machar Teny, the leader of the main armed opposition, the SPLM/ASPLM/A (IO) has held bi-lateral talks [the first of a kind] with a delegation of IGAD’s members.

Sources close to IGAD reported that meeting took place in Pretoria, South Africa, and intended to consult him on his position on the upcoming revitalization of South Sudan Peace Process.

The IGAD delegation was led by H.E. Workneh Gebeyehu, Ethiopia’s minister of foreign and H. E. Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour, Sudan’s minister of Foreign Affair.

Machar’s acting spokesman, Lam Kuei Lam, told news source Nyamilepedia that the consultation was very “fruitful” He however said full details are to be released through IGAD mechanism.


“Details of the consultation which took place on October 5th 2017 in South Africa, will be released through the IGAD High powered delegation soon. But the SPLM/SPLA-IO Chairman assured the delegations his commitment to the peace to unveil in south Sudan.” Said Machar’s spokesman, Lam Kuei Lam.

“The SPLM/A (IO) leadership welcomed the consultation forum and expressed its appreciation to the IGAD for the opportunity as we look forward for the peaceful resolution to conflict.” Lam continued.

IGAD’s consultation with Dr. Machar came as a result of IGAD’s new High Level Revitalization Forum, initiated in June this year, to bring South Sudanese leaders together to revitalize the peace process.


Machar’s forces control a big land mass in two of the three South Sudans regions, the Upper Nile and Equatorial, with significant pressure in Bhar el Ghazal region, which according to the International Community, will make chances of a free and fair election very unlikely if a meaningful peace process is not achieved to cease hostilities.
