Don’t submit to M7s family enslavement, go for sovereignty- Rwomushana

Don’t submit to M7s family enslavement, go for sovereignty- Rwomushana

  • Either seize your countries sovereignty or subject yourself, your children and grandchildren to Museveni’s Tutsi family enslavement- Rwomushana


Former spy chief Rwomusana sounds wake up drums to Ugandans whom he says ‘are under occupational force enslaving them and ready to enslave their children. The missive writen months back reads:

The peaceful transition that culminated into the 1995 constitution collapsed…. The NRA seized State power in 1986 but had promised to return political legitimacy and sovereignty to the people of Uganda within four to five years. The Prof Kanyeihamba motion extended the NRA for five years without elections.

Certainly we were under a military occupation rule.

The NRA was pillared on the Rwandese force of the Rwigyema Baingana Bunyenyezi and later the Paul Kagame James Kabarebe axis. Note that Rwigyema was the Army Commander and later Minister of Defence. Even when Rwigyema left, defence was given to Mbonye. ..

The transition debate then was, Uganda would be returned to Ugandans after the Ugandan trained army seized the State of Rwanda for the Rwandese who wanted to return to their homeland but as a military power.

The second condition was that the Rwandese who wanted to stay would be recognized as a tribe. …We accepted that.

The third condition was that the land which they had looted during the Luwero war. ..After massive slaughter of the indigenous Baganda would be legitimised under cover of Bonafide Bibanja holders. …That we accepted.

The fourth condition was that the NRA would need 10 years, that is, two terms without organised political competition. …That we accepted and extended the NRA movement.

The fifth condition was that the Rwigyema Museveni NRA force which was indeed an occupation force would be legitimised into a National Uganda Peoples Defence Force and with Mr Museveni having uncontrolled power over it. ..That rubbish we still accepted.

The sixth condition was that Museveni be given power to compulsorily acquire peoples land for private investment. ..That one we vehemently rejected.

As a people we thought we had given enough to the NRA occupation in return for our sovereignty. ..and therefore declared that power belonged to the people who would therefore exercise it in accordance with the constitution through leaders freely elected.

Museveni who opted to stay in Uganda and therefore did not follow Kagame to back to Rwanda and or Brig Makenga to become Zairwa or Congolese, destroyed the 1995 Constituent Assembly consensus, and has since as an occupation force placed the NRA occupation state power in the hands of his family.

Odrek Rwabwogo is part of this family and is indeed the wicked NRA occupation.

This NRA occupation is a killer machine and is systematically exterminating indigenous people to occupy their land.

At this rate, in less than 50 years, the indigenous Baganda will cease to exist. The Basoga are getting choked by the Sugar cane plantation and it’s attendant chemicals. …lake Victoria is heavily polluted and continues to be damaged through sand mining. Swamp degradation and insane depletion of Uganda’s forest cover.

The Bakonjo lay in mass graves and there are other covert operations to size those people. Up We are on fake drugs and feed on cancer generation food owing to the exposure of our agricultural output to fake herbicides etc.

All these I submit are deliberate to grab our land and heritage. It’s a catastrophe. It’s al – Nakba. Ofcourse there is no way you would expect an occupied people to generate ideas for prosperity. That is only done by free people. ..

Who doesn’t know ekimansuro. ..pornography is evil. The people of Uganda were morally up right. Ponography is because the NRA occupation al – Nakba spiritually paralysed the population. We have witnessed the proliferation of child sacrifice and other crude forms of human sacrifice. We have proliferation of prostitution owing to the economic and collapse of the societies moral fiber due to NRA-Rwandan occupation al – Nakba

 Your family supplied fake drugs and Kakwemeire who helped Uganda seize those fake drugs lost his job instead.

 You supplied fake condoms the Engabo condom, you did RIF. .Reduction In Force of the NRA army by weeding out HIV soldiers whom you sent to trading centres in the villages equipped with Fake Engabo condoms. …You gave students fake Engabo condoms. …and therefore deliberately proliferated HIV. …

You are worse than beasts of the field. You are grabbing public land for private gain. …and like in the case of Park yard market, you destroyed properties of the poorest craving for survival. … You are greedy. ..You are barbarians. ….You are worse than imperialists

See how much death and destruction you unleashed on the peoples of South Sudan. .,,, You sons of vipers as John the Baptist would call. …How much of the world and earth can you eat. ..? Why can’t you be and let others be. ..

We cannot have another conversation with your Museveni family NRA occupation al – Nakba. The only option is for men to stand up and fight the NRA occupation al Nakba and destroy that extended Museveni Rwanda family rule. …and seize back the swag and regain sovereignty and legitimacy of our country.

With peaceful power transfer option shut down, we either fight for sovereignty or surrender and we die as slaves that we indeed are and hand over our children and grandchildren to be subjects and objects of Museveni’s grandchildren who aspire to be demi gods an al – Nakba unleashed in the Great Lakes Region.”
