TOGIKWATAKO: UPC members demand Akena's position on age limit

TOGIKWATAKO: UPC members demand Akena's position on age limit

Uganda People’s Congress -UPC supporters in Lango sub region are demanding that Jimmy Akena, the party President should declare his position on the current debate on the Presidential Age Limit.

They complained that ever since the matter came out in the public domain, Akena who also doubles as Lira Municipality Member of Parliament has been too cold and has never stated his position and that of the party on the matter.

Ken Odur, a UPC party sympathiser says they have been looking at Akena as their party President to guide them in the discussion concerning the presidential age limit but he is disappointed that Akena has chosen to remain silent despite the relevance of the matter at hand.

Odur said just like leaders of other opposition parties who have denounced the move by some legislators to repeal Article 102 (b) of the constitution, which ring-fences the presidential age between 35 and 75 years, Akena should also make his position and that of the party clear and guide his followers.

Paul Omara, says it is a big surprise in a situation where leaders are required to make a firm and clear stand, yet Akena is quiet on this matter which is of national concern. Omara argued that UPC as a party has never wavered on its position about the promotion of a democratic and constitutional order in Uganda. “It’s time to be counted and this matter cannot be postponed,” he said.

Fredrick Olwit, another party supporter says Akena should be honest to his followers and be clear on this matter. He said other party leaders such as Norbert Mao, the DP president and Kizza Besigye, the former FDC party president, have made their views known and so should Akena.

Meanwhile, Michael Osinde Orach, the UPC spokesperson said the party had not yet formally agreed on a position.

He told the party weekly press conference at Uganda House on Wednesday, that the UPC president together with other leaders have been out of the country and as such they have not had time to meet and talk about a harmonised position.

However, Dan Okello, the UPC party chairman for Lira District, says instead of struggling to remove the presidential age limit from the constitution, NRM members should consider bringing up the Presidential Amnesty bill to protect President Museveni from prosecution for his alleged abuse of power after he retires.

The much anticipated debate on the removal of Article 102 (b) of the constitution did not take place in Parliament on Thursday. The Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulanyah said he had a meeting with the Speaker Rebecca Kadaga and the two decided that they needed more time to understand the motion.

The move would lift the last hurdle for President Yoweri Museveni to seek re-election when his term of office expires in 2021. The current provision bars President Museveni from contesting for the presidency since he will be above 75 years.
