Museveni, a modern slave trader mortgaging Ugandans for weapons?

Museveni, a modern slave trader mortgaging Ugandans for weapons?

By: Halid Bidi

When General Museveni insult, abuse and call names all past African Kings and leaders for accepting colonialist and selling Africans to slavery i shudder.

Did Ugandans know, how General Museveni bribed and paid for a visit by Benjamin Netanyahu, while working as finance minister in 2005, to visit Uganda with arms manufacturer Silver Shadow Systems. The trip costed Ugandans to the tune of $57,000.

Today, according to Observer and government owned Newvision, a deal involving the mortgaging of Africans for weapons is on again, while the same Benjamin Netanyahu, is Prime minister of Israel. The man is heading a government, which is the most anti-African in the world today.

To me, at least the past Kings had little or no choice, let alone being weak and helpless. Indeed, some who resisted were either killed or imprisoned and humiliated. Now it is Museveni, who is giving out money to the white man to oppress Africans.

In fact, the next time you see some them visiting, don’t think, like we have always been made to believe, that they bring for us dollars in such visits. To the contrary, they came to rob us and strengthen dictatorships in Africa.

One my now be prompted to ask, should General Museveni then insult and abuse past African Kings for dealing in Slavery?

The writer is a human right advocate.
