LC's have set the pace let us follow suit and write our destiny

LC's have set the pace let us follow suit and write our destiny

By: Bireete Sarah

Uganda – a country where leaders are dealers in deceit majoring in schemes on how to please the emperor for appointments!

The framers of the 1995 Constitution were mandated by their terms of reference to put in place a framework for peaceful handover of power!

As Prof Ssempebwa clearly put it in yesterday’s Sunday monitor, majority Ugandans wanted safeguards for peaceful handover of power! These are Term Limits and Age Limit!

It’s important to note that the argument by some proponents of removal of age limit that in developed democracies, there are no limits is flawed because developed democracies have developed institutions that can effectively check any excesses of a given leader.

Fast Forward:

Many sections of Ugandans are determined not to let go of their second kidney through lifting of age limit! Case in point are the Local Council 3 Chairmen who sent away the chief proponent of age limit removal.

Our destiny is NOT WRITTEN FOR US but BY US!

THE BIG QUESTIONS: Why is M7 scared of retirement?

Can we start discussing his life and safety outside state house instead of him destroying constitution and nation?

How can M7 completely fail a test he put in place himself through term limits and age limit? Which Way Uganda?

Bireete Sarah

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