Gov't reminds public the deadline for Sale of unregulated liquor
The government has directed that there will be no sale or production of sachet waragi effective 30th September, 2017
The next three months are set for clearing stock and the dangerous staff turns illegal. In a June 16th circular issued by the ministry to all Chief Administrative officers, the Ministry has reminded all officials to embark on enforcing the order.
Mukono Municipality MP Nambooze Betty Bakireke at the beginning of the current parliament drafted an Alcoholic drinks control bill 2016 which she presented to parliament. The bill which suggested very many control measures was referred to the ministry of health.

Government however in December 2016, resolved to implement partially contents of this bill by putting a ban on the sale and distribution of all liquors packet in sachets and gave a 9 months glace period for manufacturers to phase out old stock.
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