DP Ag.Secretary General Siranda Blacks shortlisted for a Govt Job
Democratic Party acting Secretary General Siranda has been shortlisted for a Government Job at Uganda parliament.
Just a year since Museveni announced there will be no opposition by 2021 Siranda will

join Nakiwala Kiyingi, Chairman Basware Kezaala among others he has directly recruited [read transferred] into his government service from Mao/Mbidde’s ‘opposition’ Democratic Party
DP president Mao appointed Siranda by a decree to serve for one year after death of Mathias Nsubuga the former secretary general.
The 3 DP executives have been accused of being a Museveni government arm and conniving with government to destroy the oldest party which they have openly denied but continuously their activities keep confirming it.
The SpearTip at Parliament revealed that Siranda is tipped to be a protocol officer at the Parliament of Uganda, a position he applied for for formality.
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