Police undress Lango- Bako clan chief in a brutal arrest

Police undress Lango- Bako clan chief in a brutal arrest

Uganda police has brutally arrested the LANGO Okii Bako clan chief and claimant to the Lango cultural throne Benjamin Okii.

Okii was roughed up by a team of police officers Friday on accusations of degrading a wetland in Lira municipality by using several acres to cultivate crops.

North Kioga Police spokesperson David Ongom Mudong told online news source Chimpreports that Okii had cultivated 20 acres of the water catchment area and officers were implementing a directive recently issue by President Museveni for them to arrest wetland degraders.

Talking about the excesive force police used on a respectable cultural leader Ongom defended the force applied during the arrest explaining that the cultural leader turned violent and threatened to attack arresting officers forcing them to handle him the way they did.

However Lango culture leaders and Several residents have condemned the manner in which their revered cultural leader was shamefully handled by police.

They stripped him down in the process before bundling him into a police pickup.

Michael Otto, a member of the Lango Council Of Clan leaders questioned why government continues to hold unto the cultural leaders despite police subjecting them to the highest level of shame during arrests.

He advised that to cool down the wrath of residents, Police needs to set Oki free  unconditionally



Lango Cultural Foundation information minister Jacob Ochen, told press that the institution will issue a statement over the matter after obtaining sufficient facts regarding the arrest.


The cultural chief remains detained at Lira Central Police Station where police says he will be arraigned before court today [Monday] after investigations are complete.
