Kenya Elections:10 presidential candidates disqualified

Kenya Elections:10 presidential candidates disqualified

Kenya’s Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has disqualified 10 of the 18 presidential candidates from the August 8, 2017 General Election.

The decision reached at Saturday a day to the deadline day when presidential aspirants are expected to present their documents to the electoral body to officially register.

The reasons for the disqualifications vary from candidate to candidate but over-riding in all is failure to get voters signatures and academic papers.

To contest as an independent in Kenya a candidate is required to collect at least 48,000 signatures from registered voters-NOT affiliated to any political party from atleast 24 counties. A move few independents beat.

Among those disqualified is the only female presidential aspirant Nazlin Umar

Independents, Muthiora Kariara, Japhet Kavinga, Stephen Owoko Oganga, David Munga, Erastus Nyamera, Peter Solomon Gichira, Michael Orenge and Peter Osotsi Odeng have been pushed out of the race.

This leaves 7 contestants to tussle it out with incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta’s for the big chair.

These are NASA leader and main rival Raila Odinga, Mwalimu Abduba Dida, Ekuru Aukot, Cyrus Jirongo, Joe Nyagah, Justus Juma and Michael Wainaina Mwaura.


