Museveni pleads with radios stations to "abuse" him for little time and focus on development.

Museveni pleads with radios stations to "abuse" him for little time and focus on development.

Mr.Museveni has faulted media houses for spending all their airtime abusing him instead of spending some hours on educating the masses about development.

While addressing all government accounting officers who were attending a conference in Kampala yesterday, Museveni who run down Government the far and wide coverage radio Uganda and Uganda Television which are now relegated to least listened and watched stations pleaded to private stations to give his programs more time.

Below is his post on Facebook about the matter;

I urge government officials to support and facilitate the growth of the private sector because it is what will create jobs.

We made the decision as way back as 1987 to support private-sector led growth when some people still thought that they would create jobs through parastatals.

Like in China, some government enterprises will work and we shall keep them, but the main approach will be through the private sector.

Radio stations should support this. They are duty bound to teach about the future of the country.

Let them spend three hours abusing Museveni and five or six educating masses on the future of the country.

We should all know that wealth is created through commercial agriculture, industry, services and ICT.

CAOs should work with local leaders to attract investors to your areas, get land ready and call Hon Anite (Investments Minister), so that your areas attract investments.
