Is DP headed by leaders or people positioned to use positions for self enrichment?

Is DP headed by leaders or people positioned to use positions for self enrichment?

Dear DP members, if you are serious about bringing about political change in Uganda, you must go back to the drawing board and understand the doctrine of a football team. Many talented but with one objective of scoring a goal and avoiding one.


Each leader must understand and appreciate the talents of the other. After that you can then decide who should do what. For instance, some positions require unique talents and a personality. For example, for the position of secretary for mobilization, you need a person who has that personality to pull people and then give them that message which will move them to the registration desk and to even pay membership fees. Some positions should actually be by consensus. Making the right choice after careful assessment of the talent at your disposal.


How do you tell? Leaders are born and you have them. How about you carry out a survey. Do you know why your colleagues in the USA chose the then Senator Obama to make a keynote address that the DP convention? They had spotted a talent and decided to give him that platform.


You have in the past told us about brain power. Is it now porridge power? Is it possible that you are not leaders but people positioned to use your positions to enrich yourself?


You mean you are too naive to even use logic and understand that your fights are disastrous? If that is the case at BuzyMinds Ltd we provide Media and political guidance.


How about I give it for free and then you pay later?


This message is also viable for other political parties.


Your views, your opinions.


Good day.

Kenneth Lukwago Anderson is a facebook activist, this post first appeared on his facebook wall
